Financial aid is assistance meant to help you pay for school. Some of schools allow students taking e-learning courses online to have financial aid but others do not. You will need to contact any school you're interested in to see what their specific financial aid policies and requirements are for students taking online courses.
Most financial aid programs fall into two categories:
Most financial aid programs fall into two categories:
Grants and Scholarships
Grants and scholarships are types of financial aid that you don't have to repay under normal circumstances. If you withdraw from a course or fail to maintain eligibility by sucessful meeting certain criteria, you may be required to repay part or all of a grant or schorlarship, depending on the particular award's rules.
Self-Help Financial Aid
Self-help financial aid consists of student loans and work study programs. Loans are types of asistance that you have to repay after you complete your degree. Normally, student loans have lower interest rates than other kinds of loans and some don't require interest payments while you in school.
In my opinion, financial needed not necessarily the amount of money that we think we will need to take course. This is the different between the cost to attend school and the amount that our family expected to pay toward our education. For me, I would apply student loan toward my study because it can treat as a preparation of emengency use. If our family facing financial problem suddenly,we still can rely on this student loan to continue our study.
Maybe it just a few money, but when we really need money, it really very useful for us. Maybe it can help our family to go through the financial, but at least we can release their burden. So, I recommend that those who want to continue their further study, please try to apply the financial aid, its really very useful for those who facing financial problem. Are you agree?
Matthew Helm and April Helm.( 2000). Get Your Degree Online. Martinsburg, New York.
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ReplyDeleteyea..i agree...financial aid is really very useful for those who are facing financial problem..we can also be independent if we apply for study loan because after we finish our studies, we will have to pay back the money to the government..so that, we will not simply waste time and money when we at college or university..Good post! thanks for the information ya.. =)