E-learning students are people from all walks of life who want to further their educations but cannot commit to on-campus program for one reason or another.
According to a 2008 survey by Department of Education, the average of e-learning student is over 25 years of age, employed, and has some previous college experience. Besides, results that chose e-learning, female and male students are the same. And e-learning have proven to be highly motivated and disciplined in their studies.
Nowadays, people who taking courses through e-learning are increasing. It because people can complete most of the coursework for online classes when it's convenient for them. Most online courses are asynchronous,which means they need not attend a lecture at particular place and time, this convenience is entirely suited to today's society.
Below is the survey result of Department of Education

Australian Government, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Ralations, E-learning Indicator, 2008 E-learning Benchmarking Survey, Results by gender of student, Australian Flaxible Learning Framework, [Online] Retrieved 31th January 2009 URL:http://e-learningindicators.flexiblelearning.net.au/2008results_demographics.htm