There are some web-based resources available to help you decide if you are cut out for online distance education. You will have the opportunity to take some online quizzes that can tell you more about the possibility of your online success. There is also some methods for evaluating distance learning programs.
1. About.com site, in the Distance Learning section, is an suitable place to start investigating what it takes to be a successful online student, as well as what you should know before enrolling in any online courses.

i. Point your browser to http://distancelearn.about.com/education/distancelearn/mbody.htm
ii. Click the Student Resources link in the bottom half of the left sidebar
iii. Start your research by clicking the Are You a Candidate for DL? link.
2. The second sites to introduce is Illinois Online Network (ION) Web Site. ION has provide a link of "What Makes a Successful Online Student?".ION is a partnership of thirty-one community colleges and the University of Illinois working together to advance utilization of Internet-based instruction and service throughout the state of Illinois .
3. If you are interested to read timely article about higher education distance learning, go to the Chronicle of Higher Education's Distance Learning section at www.chronicle.com/distance
In my opinion, the both sites will let us know more about how e-learning works and the studies strategies. Besides that, it's also help us to know are we suitable to take e-learning or not? This will help us to choose the most suitable way to continue our studies.
For more information, please visit: http://www.isoph.com/pdfs/2004_Nonprofit_E-learning_Survey.pdf
References: George Lorenzo (2000). Teach yourself today e-College, Sams, Indiana
Illinois Online Network, What make a successful online student, University of Illinois, [Online] Retrieved 5th February 2009 URL:http://www.ion.uillinois.edu/resources/tutorials/pedagogy/StudentProfile.asp
Jamie Littlefield, About.com, Distance Learning, [Online] Retrieved 5th February 2009 URL:http://distancelearn.about.com/?once=true&