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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Free IT online learning course at

ALISON logo, just announce at February 24th that they had provide a completely free online training, certification and learning management for IT Skills Training. They have now made learner group management free for groups of learners wishing to undertake their Web-based IT-skills course ALISON ABC IT.

The ALISON ABC IT is fast becoming one of the most popular global IT skills training certifications. It includes comprehensive training on the Internet, key desktop applications like Word and Excel as well as the full range of practical IT skills, including touch typing and the efficient use of Web-based e-mail.

It is also prefaced by a beginner's guide to a personal computer, and so is ideal for learners who have no IT experience. ALISON opens lifelong learning opportunities and finally, free e-learning for the masses. ALISON allows training managers, small businesses and teachers, the facility to monitor and manage a group of ALISON ABC IT learners online.

In many cases access to this type of software can cost thousands of euro, therefore this new service from ALISON is a highly valuable free resource. ALISON had already providing free training for over 250,000 registered users worldwide, and dedicated to bringing free life and business skills to learners everywhere.

In my opinion, ALISON is a very useful website that provide variety of free online courses to the students, workers, self-improver and so on. The courses that provided include Language skill, Enterprise, Financial, Health and so on. This is totally free website for user to learning online with free costs. For those who are really faces financial problem can actually try this website to get a certificate. It's totally free and it's over 250,000 learner from this website.

I willing to try this website because it doesn't cause any lose on me and maybe i can learn knowledge on this website.

For those who interested on this website, can experience it by yourself. What is your opinion? Do you heard this website before? Please kindly leave a comment here. Thank you.


PRlog, Free Online IT Skills Training and Certification for Everyone (Including Free Learning Management), [Online] Retrieved by March 10, 2009. URL:,The free global learning experiences, ALISON official website [Online] Retrieved by March 10, 2009. URL:


  1. This new learning course look interesting.
    I feel that it is very convenient and time saving for the learners. Besides that, anybody can enhance self improvement using this web site. Most importantly it is free.

  2. No..i didn't heard about this website sounds interesting..I will definitely try this website because it is convenient and can save time..anyway, thanks for the information... =)

  3. This is definitely something out-of-the-ordinary!! But does surfers learn better here? I'm sure nothing is down to perfection. If yes.. lecturers might have to start nerve-racking bout their careers. heh.. XOXO


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